I can't believe the news I've heard.
Surely I've mistaken the words?
That today, the Eleventh of September,
A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.
The radio repeats the news again.
I'm stunned to hear that a second plane
Has within this very hour
Crashed into the second tower.
They say terrorists are to blame.
That they hijacked the plane.
A third hijacked plane they say has gone
And has crashed into the Pentagon.
The World Trade Center is ablaze.
Firemen are desperately lives trying to save.
They say the towers are so high,
Thousands trapped inside will die.
And now we hear of a fourth hijacked plane,
Which brave passengers fought to regain.
But it has crashed the radio has said
And they believe all on board are dead.
God bless all of those who in the towers died.
The firemen who, to save others, gave up their lives.
The innocent victims who died on the planes
And the families who are left with the grief and the pain.
To those who evilly plotted and planned,
Who cruelly trained others to do their command,
Who rejoiced at the towers' destruction, the fire, smoke and heat,
People jumping from windows into the street:
Do they really believe by causing such devastation
Or by terrorising the American Nation;
Do they really believe by causing such strife,
That they will be blessed with eternal life?
Lovingly composed by Mary Rodham, aged 44 (plus a bit more)